

Welcome to MSY API !

You can use our API to get the list of our products and categories, create new orders, list your orders and get parcel informations

You can view code samples in the dark area on the right


Header example:

  "userid": "xxxx",
  "authorization": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

MSY uses API keys to authorize API access.

With each request, you must include the API key and your Msy identifier in a header that looks like the following:

You will find this information in your Msy Dropshipping portal.

userid: xxxx
authorization: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Get All Categories

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": "429",
      "en": "Home and Living",
      "nl": "Thuis en Wonen",
      "es": "Hogar y Vida",
      "fr": "Maison et Vie",
      "de": "Zuhause und Wohnen",
      "it": "Casa e Vita",
      "subcat":       [
            "id": "491",
            "en": "Bathroom Accesories",
            "nl": "Bathroom Accesories",
            "es": "Bathroom Accesories",
            "fr": "Bathroom Accesories",
            "de": "Bathroom Accesories",
            "it": "Bathroom Accesories"
            "id": "492",
            "en": "Bedroom Essentials",
            "nl": "Bedroom Essentials",
            "es": "Bedroom Essentials",
            "fr": "Bedroom Essentials",
            "de": "Bedroom Essentials",
            "it": "Bedroom Essentials"
            "id": "490",
            "en": "Cleaning & Home Care",
            "nl": "Cleaning & Home Care",
            "es": "Cleaning & Home Care",
            "fr": "Cleaning & Home Care",
            "de": "Cleaning & Home Care",
            "it": "Cleaning & Home Care"
            "id": "550",
            "en": "Other Home Essentials",
            "nl": "Other Home Essentials",
            "es": "Other Home Essentials",
            "fr": "Other Home Essentials",
            "de": "Other Home Essentials",
            "it": "Other Home Essentials"
            "id": "531",
            "en": "Wardrobe & Clothes Organizer",
            "nl": "Wardrobe & Clothes Organizer",
            "es": "Wardrobe & Clothes Organizer",
            "fr": "Wardrobe & Clothes Organizer",
            "de": "Wardrobe & Clothes Organizer",
            "it": "Wardrobe & Clothes Organizer"
      "id": "244",
      "en": "Kitchen & Tableware",
      "nl": "Keuken & Tafelgerei",
      "es": "Cocina y vajilla",
      "fr": "Cuisine & Art de la table",
      "de": "Kuche & Geschirr",
      "it": "Cucina e da tavola",
      "subcat":       [
            "id": "537",
            "en": "Bakeware",
            "nl": "Bakvormen",
            "es": "Utensilios para Hornear",
            "fr": "Ustensiles de Cuisson",
            "de": "Backformen",
            "it": "Bakeware"
            "id": "301",
            "en": "Cookware Set",
            "nl": "Pannenset",
            "es": "Set De Utensilios De Cocina",
            "fr": "Batterie de Cuisine",
            "de": "Kochset",
            "it": "Set Di Pentole"
            "id": "488",
            "en": "Kettle & Coffeemaker",
            "nl": "Waterkoker en Koffiezetapparaat",
            "es": "Hervidor de Agua y Cafetera",
            "fr": "Bouilloire et Cafetiere",
            "de": "Wasserkocher & Kaffeemaschine",
            "it": "Bollitore e Caffettiera"
            "id": "536",
            "en": "Kitchen Knives",
            "nl": "Keukenmessen",
            "es": "Cuchillos de Cocina",
            "fr": "Couteaux de Cuisine",
            "de": "Kuchenmesser",
            "it": "Coltelli da Cucina"
            "id": "304",
            "en": "Other Kitchen Accesories",
            "nl": "Andere keukenaccessoires",
            "es": "Otros accesorios de cocina",
            "fr": "Autres Accessoires de Cuisine",
            "de": "Sonstiges Kuchenzubehor",
            "it": "Altri accessori da cucina"
            "id": "534",
            "en": "Pans",
            "nl": "Pannen",
            "es": "Sartenes",
            "fr": "Poele a Frire",
            "de": "Pfannen",
            "it": "Pentole"
            "id": "535",
            "en": "Pots",
            "nl": "Braadpan",
            "es": "Cazuela",
            "fr": "Marmite",
            "de": "Kasserolle",
            "it": "Pentole"
            "id": "378",
            "en": "Pressure Cooker & Steamer",
            "nl": "Snelkookpan",
            "es": "OIlla de presion",
            "fr": "Autocuiseur et Vapeur",
            "de": "Schnellkochtopf",
            "it": "Pentola a pressione"

This endpoint retrieves all categories.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

Get a Specific Category

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "id": "507",
        "en": "Care & Beauty",
        "nl": "Xorg & Schoonheid",
        "es": "Cuidado & Belleza",
        "fr": "Soins et beaut\u00e9",
        "de": "Pflege & Sch\u00f6nheit",
        "it": "Cura & Bellezza",
        "subcat": [
                "id": "555",
                "en": "Face Care",
                "nl": "Face Care",
                "es": "Face Care",
                "fr": "Face Care",
                "de": "Face Care",
                "it": "Face Care"
                "id": "553",
                "en": "Hair Care",
                "nl": "Hair Care",
                "es": "Hair Care",
                "fr": "Hair Care",
                "de": "Hair Care",
                "it": "Hair Care"
                "id": "556",
                "en": "Hand & Foot Care",
                "nl": "Hand & Foot Care",
                "es": "Hand & Foot Care",
                "fr": "Hand & Foot Care",
                "de": "Hand & Foot Care",
                "it": "Hand & Foot Care"
                "id": "253",
                "en": "Perfumes",
                "nl": "Parfums",
                "es": "Perfumes",
                "fr": "Parfums",
                "de": "Parfums",
                "it": "Profumi"
                "id": "554",
                "en": "Wellness & Body Care",
                "nl": "Wellness & Body Care",
                "es": "Wellness & Body Care",
                "fr": "Wellness & Body Care",
                "de": "Wellness & Body Care",
                "it": "Wellness & Body Care"

This endpoint retrieves a specific Category.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID Category ID


Get all products

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": "4603",
      "category": "270",
      "vendor": "Herzberg Cooking",
      "variants":       [
            "en": "Herzberg HG-5011: Stainless Steel Electric  Kettle Silver",
            "nl": "Herzberg HG-5011: Roestvrijstalen waterkoker Zilver",
            "es": "Herzberg HG-5011: Hervidor eléctrico de acero inoxidable Plata",
            "fr": "Herzberg HG-5011 : Bouilloire électrique en acier inoxydable Argent",
            "de": "Herzberg HG-5011: Wasserkocher aus Edelstahl Silber",
            "it": "Herzberg HG-5011: Bollitore elettrico in acciaio inossidabile Argento",
            "price": "15",
            "price_recommended": "29.99",
            "ean": "6281106630665",
            "sku": "HG-5011S",
            "quantity": "4044",
            "weight": "0.9",
            "volume": "0.00782",
            "length": "23",
            "height": "17",
            "width": "20",
            "pics":             [
            "en": "Herzberg HG-5011: Stainless Steel Electric  Kettle Black",
            "nl": "Herzberg HG-5011: Roestvrijstalen waterkoker Zwart",
            "es": "Herzberg HG-5011: Hervidor eléctrico de acero inoxidable Negro",
            "fr": "Herzberg HG-5011 : Bouilloire électrique en acier inoxydable Noire",
            "de": "Herzberg HG-5011: Wasserkocher aus Edelstahl Schwarz",
            "it": "Herzberg HG-5011: Bollitore elettrico in acciaio inossidabile Nero",
            "price": "15",
            "price_recommended": "29.99",
            "ean": "6281106630672",
            "sku": "HG-5011BK",
            "quantity": "2016",
            "weight": "0.9",
            "volume": "0.00782",
            "length": "23",
            "height": "17",
            "width": "20",
            "pics":             [
            "en": "Herzberg HG-5011: Stainless Steel Electric  Kettle Red",
            "nl": "Herzberg HG-5011: Roestvrijstalen waterkoker Rood",
            "es": "Herzberg HG-5011: Hervidor eléctrico de acero inoxidable Rojo",
            "fr": "Herzberg HG-5011 : Bouilloire électrique en acier inoxydable Rouge",
            "de": "Herzberg HG-5011: Wasserkocher aus Edelstahl Red",
            "it": "Herzberg HG-5011: Bollitore elettrico in acciaio inossidabile Rosso",
            "price": "15",
            "price_recommended": "29.99",
            "ean": "6281106630689",
            "sku": "HG-5011RD",
            "quantity": "2016",
            "weight": "0.9",
            "volume": "0.00782",
            "length": "23",
            "height": "17",
            "width": "20",
            "pics":             [
      "id": "1285",
      "category": "537",
      "vendor": "MSY",
      "variants": [      {
         "en": "Kaiserhoff KH-9959, Muffin pan",
         "nl": "Kaiserhoff KH-9959, Muffin pan",
         "es": "Kaiserhoff KH-9959, Muffin molde",
         "fr": "Kaiserhoff KH-9959, Moule à muffins",
         "de": "Kaiserhoff KH-9959, Muffinform",
         "it": "Kaiserhoff KH-9959, Muffin pentola",
         "price": "10",
         "price_recommended": "16",
         "ean": "6944217247787",
         "sku": "KH-9959",
         "quantity": "6",
         "weight": "1.23",
         "volume": "0.004032",
         "length": "21",
         "height": "32",
         "width": "6",
         "pics":          [
      "id": "1327",
      "category": "537",
      "vendor": "Blaumann",
      "variants":       [
            "en": "Blaumann BL-1293, Snow kid-shaped cake form Blue",
            "nl": "Blaumann BL-1293, Sneeuw kid-vormige cake vorm Blauw",
            "es": "Blaumann BL-1293, Nieve niño con forma de tarta forma Azul",
            "fr": "Blaumann BL-1293, Forme de gâteau en forme de neige enfant Bleu",
            "de": "Blaumann BL-1293, Schneejungen Tortenform Blau",
            "it": "Blaumann BL-1293, Neve bambino a forma di forma di torta Blu",
            "price": "3",
            "price_recommended": "5",
            "ean": "0634158796784",
            "sku": "BL-1293-Bleu",
            "quantity": "23",
            "weight": "0.05",
            "volume": "0.000864",
            "length": "18",
            "height": "4",
            "width": "12",
            "pics":             [
            "en": "Blaumann BL-1293, Snow kid-shaped cake form Pink",
            "nl": "Blaumann BL-1293, Sneeuw kid-vormige cake vorm Roze",
            "es": "Blaumann BL-1293, Nieve niño con forma de tarta forma Rosa",
            "fr": "Blaumann BL-1293, Forme de gâteau en forme de neige enfant Rose",
            "de": "Blaumann BL-1293, Schneejungen Tortenform Rosa",
            "it": "Blaumann BL-1293, Neve bambino a forma di forma di torta Rosa",
            "price": "3",
            "price_recommended": "5",
            "ean": "6957221238511",
            "sku": "BL-1293-Rose",
            "quantity": "12",
            "weight": "0.05",
            "volume": "0.000864",
            "length": "18",
            "height": "4",
            "width": "12",
            "pics":             [

This endpoint retrieves all products.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

Get specific product

This endpoint retrieves a specific product.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID Product ID

Get product html description

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "en": "<p><span style=\"font-size:18px;\"><strong><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Herzberg HG-8080: Racing Car Style Ergonomic Gaming Chair<\/font><\/font><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\"><\/iframe><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Have the perfect gaming experience with the HG-8080 Gaming Chair from Herzberg dedicated to making the best gaming chair with a large seat area for pro gamers. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">This modern and elegant racing chair is made from a High-quality breathable PU leather surface which is skin-friendly &amp; clean easily and breathable design. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The high-density shaping foam is soft and comfortable and highly resilient. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The removable headrest and lumbar support ensure the proper alignment and support for the back and neck. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The frame is made from powder-coated heavy-duty steel that supports and connects the ergonomic design back support. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Equipped with a class 3 gas lift is durable, flexible, and able to handle up to <\/font><\/font>120-150KG<font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"> load. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The smooth caster wheel is made from PU materials and does not leave marks nor damage the wooden floor as it smoothly and silently glides. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The backrest reclines from 90 &deg; to 140&nbsp;&deg;. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The soft, padded, and adjustable armrests pivot with the chair as it reclines. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">The seat height is 8cm adjust makes the chair perfect for people from 5.2 &#39;- 6&#39; height. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Full 360 degrees of swivel rotation enable dynamic movement. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Every package contains necessary parts and easy to assemble with the instruction. <\/font><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Have the unprecedented experience with Herzberg Gaming Chair during gaming, working, or just feel like sitting at home.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Features:<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Race car-style gaming chair that provides luxury and comfort<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Used for intense gaming sessions or long workdays.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">High-density shaping foam padding designed to give more resilience and comfortable<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">High-quality breathable PU leather surface<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Ergonomically design backrest with strong steel frame<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Adjustable headrest and lumbar support pillows<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Reclines between 90 - 140 degrees with infinite locking positions<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Optimal position by raising or lowering your chair&nbsp;<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Upholstered in bold, contrasting colors but retaining a professional appearance<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Removable headrest pillow and lumbar cushion<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Soft, padded, and adjustable armrests<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Equipped with a class 3 gas lift is durable, flexible<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Able to handle up to <\/font><\/font>120-150KG<font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"> load<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Smooth and quiet rolling caster wheel is made from PU materials<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Adjustable height and 5-point base design&nbsp;<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Performs well during gaming, at work, and at home.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><strong><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Specifications:<\/font><\/font><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Specifications:&nbsp;<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Brandname: Herzberg<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Color: Black/Red/Green<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Materials: PVC Leather<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Armrest: Linkage Adjustable<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Base: Nylon Materials<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Frame: Steel<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Gas Lift: 80# 3 Class<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Back Angle: 90-140 Degree Adjustment<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Mechanism: Adjustment Mechanism<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">SpongeL Cushion Styling Cotton<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Backrest: Native Cotton<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Product Size: (W)66cm x (D)50cm x (H) 115-123cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Seating Area: 48cm x 49cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Backrest Size: 84cm x 50cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Width Between Armrest: 64cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
   "nl": "<p><span style=\"font-size:18px;\"><strong><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Herzberg HG-8080: Ergonomische gamingstoel in racestijl<\/font><\/font><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\"><\/iframe><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Beleef de perfecte game-ervaring met de HG-8080 Gaming Chair van Herzberg, toegewijd aan het maken van de beste gamingstoel met een groot zitgedeelte voor professionele gamers. Deze moderne en elegante racestoel is gemaakt van een hoogwaardig, ademend PU-leeroppervlak dat huidvriendelijk en gemakkelijk schoon te maken is en een ademend ontwerp. Het vormschuim met hoge dichtheid is zacht en comfortabel en zeer veerkrachtig. De afneembare hoofdsteun en lendensteun zorgen voor de juiste uitlijning en ondersteuning van rug en nek. Het frame is gemaakt van gepoedercoat zwaar staal dat de ergonomisch ontworpen rugleuning ondersteunt en verbindt. Uitgerust met een klasse 3 gasveer is duurzaam, flexibel en kan een belasting van 120-150 kg aan. Het gladde zwenkwiel is gemaakt van PU-materiaal en laat geen sporen achter en beschadigt de houten vloer niet, aangezien deze soepel en geruisloos glijdt. De rugleuning is verstelbaar van 90 &deg; tot 140 &deg;. De zachte, gewatteerde en verstelbare armleuningen draaien mee met de stoel terwijl deze achterover leunt. De zithoogte is 8 cm verstelbaar, waardoor de stoel perfect is voor mensen van 5,2 &#39;- 6&#39; hoogte. Volledige rotatie van 360 graden maakt dynamische bewegingen mogelijk. Elk pakket bevat de nodige onderdelen en is eenvoudig te monteren met de instructie. Beleef de ongekende ervaring met de Herzberg Gaming Chair tijdens het gamen, werken of gewoon lekker thuis zitten.<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Kenmerken:<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Gamestoel in raceauto-stijl die luxe en comfort biedt<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Gebruikt voor intense gamesessies of lange werkdagen.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Vormgevende schuimvulling met hoge dichtheid, ontworpen voor meer veerkracht in comfort<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Hoogwaardig, ademend PU-leeroppervlak<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Ergonomisch vormgegeven rugleuning met sterk stalen frame<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Verstelbare hoofdsteun en lendensteunkussens<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Kan worden versteld tussen 90 - 140 graden met oneindige vergrendelingsposities<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Optimal positie door uw stoel hoger of lager te zetten<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Gestoffeerd in gedurfde, contrasterende kleuren maar met behoud van een professionele uitstraling<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Afneembaar hoofdsteunkussen en lendenkussen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Zachte, gewatteerde in verstelbare armleuningen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Uitgerust met een klasse 3 gasveer is duurzaam, flexibel<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Kan tot <\/font><\/font>120-150KG<font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"> kg last aan<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Soepel en stil rollend zwenkwiel is gemaakt van PU-materialen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">In hoogte verstelbaar en 5-punts basisontwerp<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Presteert goed tijdens gamen, op het werk en thuis.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><strong>Specificaties:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Merknaam: Herzberg<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Kleur: Zwart / Rood / Groen<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Materialen: PVC-leer<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Armleuning: verstelbare koppeling<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Basis: nylon materialen<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Frame: staal<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Gasveer: 80 # 3 Klasse<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Rugleuninghoek: 90-140 graden aanpassing<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Mechanisme: afstelmechanisme<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">SpongeL Kussen Styling Katoen<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Rugleuning: Native katoen<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Productafmetingen: (B) 66 cm x (D) 50 cm x (H) 115-123 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Zitgedeelte: 48 cm x 49 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Afmeting rugleuning: 84cm x 50cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Breedte tussen armleuning: 64cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Maximaal laadvermogen: 120-150 kg<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
   "es": "<p><span style=\"font-size:18px;\"><strong><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Herzberg HG-8080: Silla ergon&oacute;mica para juegos estilo racing<\/font><\/font><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\"><\/iframe><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Tenga la experiencia de juego perfecta con la silla para juegos HG-8080 de Herzberg dedicada a hacer la mejor silla para juegos con una gran &aacute;rea de asiento para jugadores profesionales. Esta moderna y elegante silla de carreras est&aacute; hecha de una superficie de cuero PU transpirable de alta calidad que es agradable para la piel y se limpia f&aacute;cilmente y con un dise&ntilde;o transpirable. La espuma moldeadora de alta densidad es suave, c&oacute;moda y muy resistente. El reposacabezas extra&iacute;ble y el soporte lumbar garantizan la alineaci&oacute;n y el apoyo adecuados para la espalda y el cuello. El marco est&aacute; hecho de acero resistente con recubrimiento en polvo que soporta y conecta el respaldo de dise&ntilde;o ergon&oacute;mico. Equipado con un elevador de gas de clase 3 es duradero, flexible y capaz de manejar hasta 120-150 kg de carga. La rueda giratoria suave est&aacute; hecha de materiales de PU y no deja marcas ni da&ntilde;a el piso de madera, ya que se desliza suave y silenciosamente. El respaldo se reclina de 90 &deg; a 140 &deg;. Los reposabrazos suaves, acolchados y ajustables pivotan con la silla mientras se reclina. La altura del asiento es de 8 cm, lo que hace que la silla sea perfecta para personas de 5,2 a 6 pies de altura. 360 grados de rotaci&oacute;n giratoria permiten un movimiento din&aacute;mico. Cada paquete contiene las piezas necesarias y es f&aacute;cil de montar con las instrucciones. Disfrute de una experiencia sin precedentes con Herzberg Gaming Chair durante los juegos, el trabajo o simplemente si&eacute;ntase como en casa.<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Characteristics:<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Silla para juegos estilo auto de carreras que brinda lujo y comodidad<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Se utiliza para sesiones de juego intensas o largas jornadas laborales.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Acolchado de espuma moldeadora de alta densidad dise&ntilde;ado para brindar m&aacute;s resistencia y comodidad<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Area of ​​transpirable sint&eacute;tica piel de alta calidad<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Respaldo de design ergon&oacute;mico con estructura de acero resistente<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Almohadas de apoyo lumbar y reposacabezas adjustable<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Reclina between 90 and 140 grados con infinitas posiciones de bloqueo<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Posici&oacute;n &oacute;ptima al submerge o bajar su silla<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Tapizado in bright and contrasting colors, pero conservando una apariencia profesional.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Almohada de reposacabezas y coj&iacute;n lumbar extra&iacute;bles<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Sweet apoyabrazos, adjustable y acolchados<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Equipado con un elevador de gas de class 3 es duradero y flexible<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Capaz de manejar hasta <\/font><\/font>120-150KG<font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"> of carga<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">La rueda giratoria suave y silenciosa est&aacute; hecha de materiales de PU<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Altura adjustable y base dise&ntilde;o of 5 puntos.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Funciona bien durante los juegos, en el trabajo y en casa.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><strong>Especificaciones:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Marca: Herzberg<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Color: negro / rojo / verde<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Materiales: PVC Leather<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Apoyabrazos: varillaje ajustable<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Base: materiales de nailon<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Marco: acero<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Elevaci&oacute;n de gas: Clase 80 # 3<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">&Aacute;ngulo trasero: ajuste de 90-140 grados<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Mecanismo: mecanismo de ajuste<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Coj&iacute;n SpongeL Styling Algod&oacute;n<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Respaldo: algod&oacute;n nativo<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Tama&ntilde;o del producto: (ancho) 66 cm x (profundidad) 50 cm x (alto) 115-123 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">&Aacute;rea de asientos: 48 cm x 49 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Tama&ntilde;o del respaldo: 84 cm x 50 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Ancho entre apoyabrazos: 64 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Capacidad de carga m&aacute;xima: 120-150 KG<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
   "fr": "<p><span style=\"font-size:18px;\"><strong>Herzberg HG-8080: Chaise de jeu ergonomique de style voiture de course<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\"><\/iframe><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Vivez l&#39;exp&eacute;rience de jeu parfaite avec la chaise de jeu HG-8080 de Herzberg d&eacute;di&eacute;e &agrave; la fabrication de la meilleure chaise de jeu avec une grande surface de si&egrave;ge pour les joueurs professionnels. Cette chaise de course moderne et &eacute;l&eacute;gante est fabriqu&eacute;e &agrave; partir d&#39;une surface en cuir PU respirant de haute qualit&eacute; qui est agr&eacute;able pour la peau, se nettoie facilement et est respirante. La mousse de mise en forme haute densit&eacute; est douce, confortable et tr&egrave;s r&eacute;sistante. L&#39;appui-t&ecirc;te amovible et le support lombaire assurent un alignement et un soutien corrects du dos et du cou. Le cadre est fabriqu&eacute; &agrave; partir d&#39;acier robuste enduit de poudre qui soutient et relie le support dorsal de conception ergonomique. &Eacute;quip&eacute; d&#39;un v&eacute;rin &agrave; gaz de classe 3, il est durable, flexible et capable de supporter jusqu&#39;&agrave; 120-150 kg de charge. La roulette lisse est fabriqu&eacute;e &agrave; partir de mat&eacute;riaux PU et ne laisse pas de marques ni n&#39;endommage le plancher en bois car elle glisse en douceur et silencieusement. Le dossier s&#39;incline de 90 &deg; &agrave; 140 &deg;. Les accoudoirs souples, rembourr&eacute;s et r&eacute;glables pivotent avec la chaise lorsqu&#39;elle s&#39;incline. La hauteur du si&egrave;ge est de 8 cm et le r&eacute;glage rend la chaise parfaite pour les personnes de 5,2 &agrave; 6 pieds de hauteur. La rotation compl&egrave;te de 360 ​​degr&eacute;s permet un mouvement dynamique. Chaque paquet contient les pi&egrave;ces n&eacute;cessaires et facile &agrave; assembler avec les instructions. Vivez une exp&eacute;rience sans pr&eacute;c&eacute;dent avec la chaise de jeu Herzberg pendant le jeu, le travail ou vous sentez simplement comme assis &agrave; la maison.<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Caract&eacute;ristiques:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Chaise de jeu de style voiture de course qui offre luxe et confort<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Utilis&eacute; pour les sessions de jeu intenses ou les longues journ&eacute;es de travail.<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Rembourrage en mousse de forme haute densit&eacute; con&ccedil;u pour donner plus de r&eacute;silience et de confort<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Surface en cuir PU respirant de haute qualit&eacute;<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Dossier de conception ergonomique avec structure en acier solide<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Appuie-t&ecirc;te r&eacute;glable et oreillers de soutien lombaire<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">S&#39;incline entre 90 et 140 degr&eacute;s avec des positions de verrouillage infinies<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Position optimale en levant ou en abaissant votre chaise<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Rembourr&eacute; dans des couleurs vives et contrast&eacute;es mais en conservant une apparence professionnelle<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Oreiller d&#39;appui-t&ecirc;te amovible et coussin lombaire<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Accoudoirs souples, rembourr&eacute;s et r&eacute;glables<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">&Eacute;quip&eacute; d&#39;un v&eacute;rin &agrave; gaz de classe 3 est durable, flexible<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Capable de g&eacute;rer jusqu&#39;&agrave; 120-150KG kg de charge<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">La roulette roulante douce et silencieuse est fabriqu&eacute;e &agrave; partir de mat&eacute;riaux PU<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Hauteur r&eacute;glable et conception de base &agrave; 5 points<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Fonctionne bien pendant les jeux, au travail et &agrave; la maison.<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><strong>Caract&eacute;ristiques:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Nom de marque: Herzberg<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Couleur: noir / rouge / vert<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Mat&eacute;riaux: cuir PVC<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Accoudoir: Linkage r&eacute;glable<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Base: Mat&eacute;riaux en nylon<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Cadre: acier<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Ascenseur &agrave; gaz: classe 80 # 3<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Angle arri&egrave;re: r&eacute;glage de 90 &agrave; 140 degr&eacute;s<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">M&eacute;canisme: m&eacute;canisme d&#39;ajustement<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">SpongeL Cushion Styling Coton<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Dossier: coton natif<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Taille du produit: (L) 66 cm x (P) 50 cm x (H) 115-123 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Espace salon: 48 cm x 49 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Taille du dossier: 84 cm x 50 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Largeur entre accoudoirs: 64 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Capacit&eacute; de charge maximale: 120-150KG<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
   "de": "<p><span style=\"font-size:18px;\"><strong><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Herzberg HG-8080: Ergonomischer Gaming-Stuhl im Rennstil<\/font><\/font><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\"><\/iframe><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Erleben Sie das perfekte Spielerlebnis mit dem HG-8080 Gaming Chair von Herzberg, der sich der Herstellung des besten Gaming-Stuhls mit gro&szlig;em Sitzbereich f&uuml;r Profispieler widmet. Dieser moderne und elegante Rennstuhl besteht aus einer hochwertigen atmungsaktiven PU-Lederoberfl&auml;che, die hautfreundlich und sauber ist und ein leichtes und atmungsaktives Design aufweist. Der hochdichte Formschaum ist weich und bequem und sehr belastbar. Die abnehmbare Kopfst&uuml;tze und die Lordosenst&uuml;tze sorgen f&uuml;r die richtige Ausrichtung und Unterst&uuml;tzung von R&uuml;cken und Nacken. Der Rahmen besteht aus pulverbeschichtetem Hochleistungsstahl, der die R&uuml;ckenst&uuml;tze mit ergonomischem Design st&uuml;tzt und verbindet. Ausgestattet mit einem Gaslift der Klasse 3 ist er langlebig, flexibel und kann Lasten von bis zu 120-150 kg aufnehmen. Das glatte Lenkrad besteht aus PU-Materialien und hinterl&auml;sst keine Spuren und besch&auml;digt den Holzboden nicht, da es sanft und ger&auml;uschlos gleitet. Die R&uuml;ckenlehne l&auml;sst sich von 90 &deg; auf 140 &deg; zur&uuml;cklehnen. Die weichen, gepolsterten und verstellbaren Armlehnen drehen sich beim Zur&uuml;cklehnen mit dem Stuhl. Die Sitzh&ouml;he betr&auml;gt 8 cm. Der Stuhl eignet sich perfekt f&uuml;r Personen mit einer K&ouml;rpergr&ouml;&szlig;e von 5,2 bis 6 Zoll. Volle 360-Grad-Schwenkdrehung erm&ouml;glicht dynamische Bewegungen. Jedes Paket enth&auml;lt die erforderlichen Teile und ist mit der Anleitung leicht zu montieren. Machen Sie die beispiellose Erfahrung mit dem Herzberg Gaming Chair beim Spielen, Arbeiten oder f&uuml;hlen Sie sich einfach wie zu Hause.<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Eigenschaften:<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Gaming-Stuhl im Rennwagen-Stil, der Luxus und Komfort bietet<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Wird f&uuml;r intensive Spielesitzungen oder lange Arbeitstage verwendet.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Hochdichte Formschaumpolsterung f&uuml;r mehr Elastizit&auml;t und Komfort<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Hochwertige atmungsaktive PU-Lederoberfl&auml;che<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Ergonomisch gestaltete R&uuml;ckenlehne mit starkem Stahlrahmen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Verstellbare Kopfst&uuml;tzen- und Lordosenst&uuml;tzkissen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Neigungen zwischen 90 - 140 Grad mit unendlichen Verriegelungspositionen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Optimal Position durch Anheben oder Absenken Ihres Stuhls<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Gepolstert in kr&auml;ftigen, kontrastierenden Farben, aber mit professionellem Aussehen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Abnehmbares Kopfst&uuml;tzenkissen und Lendenkissen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Weiche, gepolsterte und verstellbare Armlehnen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Ausgestattet mit einem Klasse 3 Gaslift ist langlebig, flexibel<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Kann bis zu <\/font><\/font>120-150KG<font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"> Last aufnehmen<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Das glatt und leise rollende Lenkrad besteht aus PU-Materialien<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">H&ouml;henverstellbare und 5-Punkt-Basisausf&uuml;hrung<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Funktioniert gut beim Spielen, bei der Arbeit und zu Hause.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><strong>Spezifikationen:<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Markenname: Herzberg<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Farbe: Schwarz / Rot / Gr&uuml;n<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Materialien: PVC-Leder<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Armlehne: Gest&auml;nge verstellbar<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Basis: Nylonmaterialien<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Rahmen: Stahl<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Gaslift: 80 # 3 Klasse<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">R&uuml;ckwinkel: 90-140 Grad Einstellung<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Mechanismus: Einstellmechanismus<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Schwammkissen Styling Baumwolle<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">R&uuml;ckenlehne: Native Cotton<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Produktgr&ouml;&szlig;e: (B) 66 cm x (T) 50 cm x (H) 115-123 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Sitzfl&auml;che: 48 cm x 49 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">R&uuml;ckenlehnengr&ouml;&szlig;e: 84 cm x 50 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Breite zwischen Armlehnen: 64cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Maximale Tragf&auml;higkeit: 120-150 kg<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>",
   "it": "<p><span style=\"font-size:18px;\"><strong><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Herzberg HG-8080: Sedia da gioco ergonomica in stile racing<\/font><\/font><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><iframe allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" width=\"560\"><\/iframe><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Vivi un&#39;esperienza di gioco perfetta con la sedia da gioco HG-8080 di Herzberg, dedicata a realizzare la migliore sedia da gioco con un&#39;ampia area di seduta per giocatori professionisti. Questa sedia da corsa moderna ed elegante &egrave; realizzata con una superficie in pelle PU traspirante di alta qualit&agrave; che &egrave; delicata sulla pelle e si pulisce facilmente e con un design traspirante. La schiuma modellante ad alta densit&agrave; &egrave; morbida, confortevole e altamente resistente. Il poggiatesta rimovibile e il supporto lombare assicurano il corretto allineamento e supporto per la schiena e il collo. Il telaio &egrave; realizzato in acciaio resistente verniciato a polvere che supporta e collega il supporto posteriore dal design ergonomico. Dotato di un elevatore a gas di classe 3 &egrave; durevole, flessibile e in grado di gestire un carico fino a 120-150 kg. La ruota orientabile liscia &egrave; realizzata con materiali in PU e non lascia segni n&eacute; danneggia il pavimento in legno poich&eacute; scivola dolcemente e silenziosamente. Lo schienale &egrave; reclinabile da 90 &deg; a 140 &deg;. I braccioli morbidi, imbottiti e regolabili ruotano con la sedia mentre si adagia. L&#39;altezza del sedile &egrave; di 8 cm, la regolazione rende la sedia perfetta per persone da 5,2 &#39;a 6&#39; di altezza. La rotazione completa di 360 gradi consente un movimento dinamico. Ogni confezione contiene le parti necessarie e facili da montare con le istruzioni. Vivi un&#39;esperienza senza precedenti con Herzberg Gaming Chair durante il gioco, il lavoro o semplicemente sentiti come seduto a casa.<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Caratteristiche:<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Sedia da gioco in stile auto da corsa che offers lusso e comfort<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Utilizzato per sessioni di gioco intense o lunghe giornate lavorative.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Imbottitura in schiuma modellante ad alta densit&agrave; progettata per dare maggiore elasticit&agrave; e comfort<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Surface in PU traspirante di alta qualit&agrave;<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Schienale dal design ergonomico con robusto telaio in acciaio<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Cuscini poggiatesta e supporto lumbar regolabili<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Si adagia tra 90 e 140 gradi con infinite posizioni di bloccaggio<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Posizione ottimale alzando o abbassando la sedia<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Rivestito in colori audaci e contrastanti ma mantenendo un aspetto professionale<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Cuscino poggiatesta e cuscino lombare rimovibili<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Braccioli morbidi, imbottiti e regolabili<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Dotato di un elevatore a gas di class 3 &egrave; durvole, flessibile<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">In grado di gestire fino a <\/font><\/font>120-150KG<font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"> di carico<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">La ruota orientabile scorrevole e silenziosa &egrave; realizzata con materiali PU<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Altezza regolabile e design della base a 5 punti<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\"><font style=\"vertical-align: inherit;\">Funziona bene durante i giochi, al lavoro ea casa.<\/font><\/font><\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Specifiche:<\/span><\/strong><\/p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Marchio: Herzberg<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Colore: nero / rosso / verde<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Materiali: pelle PVC<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Bracciolo: collegamento regolabile<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Base: materiali in nylon<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Telaio: acciaio<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Alzata a gas: 80 # 3 Class<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Angolo posteriore: regolazione 90-140 gradi<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Meccanismo: meccanismo di regolazione<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">SpongeL Cushion Styling Cotton<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Schienale: Native Cotton<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Dimensioni del prodotto: (L) 66 cm x (P) 50 cm x (A) 115-123 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Area soggiorno: 48 cm x 49 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Dimensioni dello schienale: 84 cm x 50 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Larghezza tra i braccioli: 64 cm<\/span><\/li>\r\n\t<li><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Capacit&agrave; di carico massima: 120-150 kg<\/span><\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"

This endpoint retrieves product description.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID Product ID

Get products by category

This endpoint retrieves products by category.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID Category ID

Get products last modified since the given date

This endpoint retrieves products last modified since the given date.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UNIXTIMESTAMP Unix time stamp in second


Get specific variant by EAN code

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "en": "Herzberg HG-5011: Stainless Steel Electric  Kettle Silver",
   "nl": "Herzberg HG-5011: Roestvrijstalen waterkoker Zilver",
   "es": "Herzberg HG-5011: Hervidor eléctrico de acero inoxidable Plata",
   "fr": "Herzberg HG-5011 : Bouilloire électrique en acier inoxydable Argent",
   "de": "Herzberg HG-5011: Wasserkocher aus Edelstahl Silber",
   "it": "Herzberg HG-5011: Bollitore elettrico in acciaio inossidabile Argento",
   "price": "15",
   "price_recommended": "29.99",
   "ean": "6281106630665",
   "sku": "HG-5011S",
   "quantity": "4044",
   "weight": "0.9",
   "volume": "0.00782",
   "length": "23",
   "height": "17",
   "width": "20",
   "pics":    [

This endpoint retrieves a variant with the EAN provided.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
EAN EAN Product code

Get specific variant by SKU code

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "en": "Herzberg HG-5011: Stainless Steel Electric  Kettle Silver",
   "nl": "Herzberg HG-5011: Roestvrijstalen waterkoker Zilver",
   "es": "Herzberg HG-5011: Hervidor eléctrico de acero inoxidable Plata",
   "fr": "Herzberg HG-5011 : Bouilloire électrique en acier inoxydable Argent",
   "de": "Herzberg HG-5011: Wasserkocher aus Edelstahl Silber",
   "it": "Herzberg HG-5011: Bollitore elettrico in acciaio inossidabile Argento",
   "price": "15",
   "price_recommended": "29.99",
   "ean": "6281106630665",
   "sku": "HG-5011S",
   "quantity": "4044",
   "weight": "0.9",
   "volume": "0.00782",
   "length": "23",
   "height": "17",
   "width": "20",
   "pics":    [

This endpoint retrieves a variant with the SKU provided.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description

Dropshipping Orders

New Order Validation

BODY raw:

        "name" : "Msy Invest",
        "contact" : "Alon",
        "address" : "Polder 3",
        "reforder" : "SHOPIFY_123",
        "post" : "2840",
        "city" : "Rumst",
        "countrycode" : "BE",
        "telephone" : "+3225205333",
        "email" : "",
        "ean" : "6017400927978",
        "sku" : "IM-WOK32-LM",
        "quan" : 1
        "name" : "Msy Invest",
        "contact" : "Alon",
        "address" : "Polder 3",
        "reforder" : "SHOPIFY_123",
        "post" : "2840",
        "city" : "Rumst",
        "countrycode" : "BE",
        "telephone" : "+3225205333",
        "email" : "",
        "ean" : "0634158800993",
        "sku" : "HG-L786RED",
        "quan" : 2
        "name" : "Msy Invest",
        "contact" : "Alon",
        "address" : "Polder 3",
        "reforder" : "SHOPIFY_123",
        "post" : "2840",
        "city" : "Rumst",
        "countrycode" : "BE",
        "telephone" : "+3225205333",
        "email" : "",
        "ean" : "8435273197027",
        "sku" : "HG-5024",
        "quan" : 2

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "message": "Order success",
   "unavailable_product" : 2
   "orderID": "11317",
   "Orders":    [
         "id": "6118",
         "reforder": "SHOPIFY_123",
         "customer": "Msy Invest",
         "address": "Polder 3",
         "post": "2840",
         "city": "Rumst",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "+3225205333",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "IM-WOK32-LM",
         "product": "Imperial Collection IM-WOK32-LM: 32cm Marble Coated Wok with Glass Lid",
         "quan": "1",
         "weight": "2.6",
         "price": "12.16",
         "price_delivery": "4.84",
         "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
         "price_total": "18.5",
         "packages": 1,
         "tracking": [         {
            "trackID": "",
            "status": "Waiting",
            "url": ""
         "error": "Not in stock or not enough<br/>",
         "reforder": "SHOPIFY_123",
         "customer": "Msy Invest",
         "address": "Polder 3",
         "post": "2840",
         "city": "Rumst",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "+3225205333",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "HG-L786RED",
         "ean": "0634158800993",
         "quan": 2
         "error": "Sku/ean not found<br/>",
         "reforder": "SHOPIFY_123",
         "customer": "Msy Invest",
         "address": "Polder 3",
         "post": "2840",
         "city": "Rumst",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "+3225205333",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "HG-5024",
         "ean": "8435273197027",
         "quan": 2

This endpoint is used to validate your products before placing an order

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description  
reforder string your reference Optional
name string Customer name Required
contact string Additional customer info Optional
address string Customer address Required
post string Area Zip code Required
city string Name of the town or village Required
countrycode string Two letter country code defined in ISO 3166-1 Required
telephone string Mobilephone number of person which can be inform about shipment Optional
email string Email address of person which can be inform about shipment Required
ean string EAN product code EAN or SKU Required
sku string MSY SKU product code EAN or SKU Required
quan string Quantity of product Required

New Order

BODY raw:

        "name" : "Msy Invest",
        "contact" : "Alon",
        "address" : "Polder 3",
        "reforder" : "SHOPIFY_123",
        "post" : "2840",
        "city" : "Rumst",
        "countrycode" : "BE",
        "telephone" : "+3225205333",
        "email" : "",
        "ean" : "6017400927978",
        "sku" : "IM-WOK32-LM",
        "quan" : 1
        "name" : "Msy Invest",
        "contact" : "Alon",
        "address" : "Polder 3",
        "reforder" : "SHOPIFY_123",
        "post" : "2840",
        "city" : "Rumst",
        "countrycode" : "BE",
        "telephone" : "+3225205333",
        "email" : "",
        "ean" : "0634158800993",
        "sku" : "HG-L786RED",
        "quan" : 2
        "name" : "Msy Invest",
        "contact" : "Alon",
        "address" : "Polder 3",
        "reforder" : "SHOPIFY_123",
        "post" : "2840",
        "city" : "Rumst",
        "countrycode" : "BE",
        "telephone" : "+3225205333",
        "email" : "",
        "ean" : "8435273197027",
        "sku" : "HG-5024",
        "quan" : 2

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "message": "Order success",
   "orderID": "11317",
   "Orders":    [
         "id": "6118",
         "reforder": "SHOPIFY_123",
         "customer": "Msy Invest",
         "address": "Polder 3",
         "post": "2840",
         "city": "Rumst",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "+3225205333",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "IM-WOK32-LM",
         "product": "Imperial Collection IM-WOK32-LM: 32cm Marble Coated Wok with Glass Lid",
         "quan": "1",
         "weight": "2.6",
         "price": "12.16",
         "price_delivery": "4.84",
         "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
         "price_total": "18.5",
         "packages": 1,
         "tracking": [         {
            "trackID": "",
            "status": "Waiting",
            "url": ""
         "error": "Not in stock or not enough<br/>",
         "reforder": "SHOPIFY_123",
         "customer": "Msy Invest",
         "address": "Polder 3",
         "post": "2840",
         "city": "Rumst",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "+3225205333",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "HG-L786RED",
         "ean": "0634158800993",
         "quan": 2
         "error": "Sku/ean not found<br/>",
         "reforder": "SHOPIFY_123",
         "customer": "Msy Invest",
         "address": "Polder 3",
         "post": "2840",
         "city": "Rumst",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "+3225205333",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "HG-5024",
         "ean": "8435273197027",
         "quan": 2

This endpoint is used to send a new order

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description  
reforder string your reference Optional
name string Customer name Required
contact string Additional customer info Optional
address string Customer address Required
post string Area Zip code Required
city string Name of the town or village Required
countrycode string Two letter country code defined in ISO 3166-1 Required
telephone string Mobilephone number of person which can be inform about shipment Optional
email string Email address of person which can be inform about shipment Required
ean string EAN product code EAN or SKU Required
sku string MSY SKU product code EAN or SKU Required
quan string Quantity of product Required

Get orders

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "id": "11296",
      "date": "1627905693",
      "status": "Waiting for payment",
      "payed": "0",
      "suborders": [      {
         "id": "9999",
         "reforder": "TESTREF",
         "customer": "Customer name",
         "address": "Customer Address",
         "post": "1000",
         "city": "Bruxelles",
         "countrycode": "BE",
         "mobilephone": "",
         "email": "",
         "sku": "IM-CP26-9AM",
         "product": "Imperial Collection IM-CP26-9AM:26cm Crepe Pan for 7 Crepes with Animal Shapes",
         "quan": "1",
         "weight": "0.9",
         "price": "23.57",
         "price_delivery": "4.84",
         "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
         "price_total": "29.91",
         "packages": "1",
         "tracking": [         {
            "trackID": "trackID",
            "status": "Dispatched",
            "url": "https://trackurl"
      "id": "11295",
      "date": "1627905690",
      "status": "Finalized",
      "payed": "1",
      "suborders": [{
             "id": "9998",
             "reforder": "TESTREF",
             "customer": "Customer name",
             "address": "Customer Address",
             "post": "1000",
             "city": "Bruxelles",
             "countrycode": "BE",
             "mobilephone": "",
             "email": "",
             "sku": "IM-CP26-9AM",
             "product": "Imperial Collection IM-CP26-9AM:26cm Crepe Pan for 7 Crepes with Animal Shapes",
             "quan": "1",
             "weight": "0.9",
             "price": "23.57",
             "price_delivery": "4.84",
             "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
             "price_total": "29.91",
             "packages": "1",
             "tracking": [         {
                "trackID": "trackID",
                "status": "Dispatched",
                "url": "https://trackurl"
            "id": "9997",
            "reforder": "TESTREF",
            "customer": "Customer name",
            "address": "Customer Address",
            "post": "1000",
            "city": "Bruxelles",
            "countrycode": "BE",
            "mobilephone": "+32475123456",
            "email": "",
            "sku": "HG-1420BCO-BRN",
            "product": "Herzberg HG-1420BCO: Bicolor Microfiber Duvet - 140x200cm Brown",
            "quan": "2",
            "weight": "1.4",
            "price": "28.17",
            "price_delivery": "5.2",
            "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
            "price_total": "59.74",
            "packages": "2",
            "tracking":             [
                  "trackID": "trackID1",
                  "status": "Dispatched",
                  "url": "https://trackurl"
                  "trackID": "trackID12",
                  "status": "In transit",
                  "url": "https://trackurl"

This endpoint retrieves the list of your orders.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

Get specific order

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "id": "11296",
   "date": "1627905693",
   "status": "Waiting for payment",
   "payed": "0",
   "suborders": [   {
      "id": "9999",
      "reforder": "TESTREF",
      "customer": "Customer name",
      "address": "Customer Address",
      "post": "1000",
      "city": "Bruxelles",
      "countrycode": "BE",
      "mobilephone": "",
      "email": "",
      "sku": "IM-CP26-9AM",
      "product": "Imperial Collection IM-CP26-9AM:26cm Crepe Pan for 7 Crepes with Animal Shapes",
      "quan": "1",
      "weight": "0.9",
      "price": "23.57",
      "price_delivery": "4.84",
      "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
      "price_total": "29.91",
      "packages": "1",
      "tracking": [      {
         "trackID": "trackID1",
         "status": "Dispatched",
         "url": "https://trackurl"

This endpoint retrieves the list of your orders.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID Order ID

Get specific suborder by ID

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "9999",
    "reforder": "TESTREF",
    "customer": "Customer name",
    "address": "Customer Address",
    "post": "1000",
    "city": "Bruxelles",
    "countrycode": "BE",
    "mobilephone": "",
    "email": "",
    "sku": "IM-CP26-9AM",
    "product": "Imperial Collection IM-CP26-9AM:26cm Crepe Pan for 7 Crepes with Animal Shapes",
    "quan": "1",
    "weight": "0.9",
    "price": "23.57",
    "price_delivery": "4.84",
    "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
    "price_total": "29.91",
    "packages": "1",
    "tracking": [{
         "trackID": "trackID1",
         "status": "Dispatched",
         "url": "https://trackurl"

This endpoint retrieves the list of your orders.

HTTP Request


Header Parameters

Parameter Type Description
userid string MSY identifier
authorization string API Key

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID SubOrder ID

Get specific suborder with your reference

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "9999",
    "reforder": "TESTREF",
    "customer": "Customer name",
    "address": "Customer Address",
    "post": "1000",
    "city": "Bruxelles",
    "countrycode": "BE",
    "mobilephone": "",
    "email": "",
    "sku": "IM-CP26-9AM",
    "product": "Imperial Collection IM-CP26-9AM:26cm Crepe Pan for 7 Crepes with Animal Shapes",
    "quan": "1",
    "weight": "0.9",
    "price": "23.57",
    "price_delivery": "4.84",
    "price_fullfillement": "1.5",
    "price_total": "29.91",
    "packages": "1",
    "tracking": [{
         "trackID": "trackID1",
         "status": "Dispatched",
         "url": "https://trackurl"

This endpoint retrieves the list of your orders.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
yourref Your internal reference encoded in base64

Classic Orders

New Order Validation

BODY raw:

        "ean" : "6017400927978",
        "sku" : "IM-WOK32-LM",
        "quan" : 1
        "ean" : "0634158800993",
        "sku" : "HG-L786RED",
        "quan" : 2
        "ean" : "8435273197027",
        "sku" : "HG-5024",
        "quan" : 2

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "message": "Order success",
   "unavailable_product" : 2
   "orderID": "TEST",
   "total": "12.16",
   "order":    [
         "id": "6118",
         "sku": "IM-WOK32-LM",
         "product": "Imperial Collection IM-WOK32-LM: 32cm Marble Coated Wok with Glass Lid",
         "quan": "1",
         "price": "12.16"
         "error": "Not in stock or not enough<br/>",
         "sku": "HG-L786RED",
         "ean": "0634158800993",
         "quan": 2
         "error": "Sku/ean not found<br/>",
         "sku": "HG-5024",
         "ean": "8435273197027",
         "quan": 2

This endpoint is used to validate your products before placing an order

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description  
ean string EAN product code EAN or SKU Required
sku string MSY SKU product code EAN or SKU Required
quan string Quantity of product Required

New Order

BODY raw:

        "ean" : "6017400927978",
        "sku" : "IM-WOK32-LM",
        "quan" : 1
        "ean" : "0634158800993",
        "sku" : "HG-L786RED",
        "quan" : 2
        "ean" : "8435273197027",
        "sku" : "HG-5024",
        "quan" : 2

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "message": "Order success",
   "unavailable_product" : 2
   "orderID": "TEST",
   "total": "12.16",
   "order":    [
         "id": "6118",
         "sku": "IM-WOK32-LM",
         "product": "Imperial Collection IM-WOK32-LM: 32cm Marble Coated Wok with Glass Lid",
         "quan": "1",
         "price": "12.16"
         "error": "Not in stock or not enough<br/>",
         "sku": "HG-L786RED",
         "ean": "0634158800993",
         "quan": 2
         "error": "Sku/ean not found<br/>",
         "sku": "HG-5024",
         "ean": "8435273197027",
         "quan": 2

This endpoint is used to send a new order

HTTP Request


POST Parameters

Parameter Type Description  
ean string EAN product code EAN or SKU Required
sku string MSY SKU product code EAN or SKU Required
quan string Quantity of product Required {!!}